{english below} Creció cerca de Lisboa, por Ericeira, uno de los mejores lugares para practicar surf, por eso su vida siempre ha estado ligada a este deporte y al skate, a lo que luego se sumó la fotografía. “Creo que soy una persona creativa, y me interesa bastante todo lo que tenga que ver con la fotografía, la ilustración y el vídeo, siempre he hecho un poco de todo, me apasiona, y me considero muy afortunado por poder dedicarme a ello”, nos cuenta.
Ahora trabaja en Magic Quiver, una tienda de surf en Ericeira y está ocupando materializando nuevas ideas para la tienda y organizando próximos eventos. Además, está realizando colaboraciones con distintas marcas de surf.
Le inspira viajar, curiosear por distintas web culturales, hacer surf y patinar. Y alguien a quien realmente admira es Ed Templeton.

He grew up in a village near the sea called Mafra, not too far from Lisboa. It’s just a handful of miles from Ericeira, one of the best surfing spots in Ericeira. He skateboards and photographs since he was a kid. “I’ve always embedded with the urban side of where I live through skateboarding, but then had a lot of surfer friends. It’s a good hybrid for a photographer, fills one up with many different surrounding references”, says.
“I think I’m a very creative person and have a particular interest in photography, video and illustration. I’ve always done a bit of everything, I was a very inventive kid. Nowadays I work on these fields while having a full-time job at a surf shop, so I consider myself really lucky for being able to do everything I love. I’m just passionate for anything that gives me the freedom to create and explore creatively”, explains.
His working methods are based in spontaneity. He usually approach new works with an idea in mind: “I kind of draw a mental plan of what I’m going the do and the style I’m going to apply to it. I research other types of work to get inspiration or just chat with some creative friends to get pumped up. But everything depends on the type of job I’m going to perform”.
He is currently working at Magic Quiver, a local surf store in Ericeira, and been busy creating new concepts for the shop and keeping an eye on future events that they’re to host. He also collaborates with different surf and lifestyle brands, so he has been pretty busy lately. But I’m always bubbling with new ideas. “I’m also looking forward to travel more around the globe and document new cultures and scene. I feel very patience at the moment, I want my future projects to actually have an impact”, expresses.
The hardest thing he has ever done regarding his work is work for free: “There’s nothing to justify here, I’m sure a lot of creative minds reading this have been there and done that”.
He is inspiring by travelling, a good pint with his friends, scrolling over some cultural websites, flipping some magazines. “Skateboarding as well, it’s a huge part of my life. I’m very influenced by my surroundings, to be honest. I live by the sea, so I tend to draw inspiration from such environment”, adds.
His favourite historical figure is Ed Templeton: “He’s a mind-blowing guy who’ve done a bit of everything that I love: skateboarding, founding his own brand, street photography, painting and illustration. He’s really an inspiration, someone incredibly independent and successful through his own ideas”.
He likes the song “Nevertheless” by The Brian Jonestown Massacre and Portuguese stew is his favourite dish.
After a bussy day he shooting, filming, chatting, hanging with the boys, surfing, skating, eating. Exploring life, basically. He doesn´t have any routine: “I just follow my gut. If something new comes along the way, then I’m on board. I just life one day at a time”.