April 20th-23rd. 013 Venue, Tilburg. The Netherlands.
If you are a regular at music festivals, around this time of the year you most probably already are trying to figure out which ones you’ll be attending to. Whether you are a steadfast Roadburner or not this Dutch festival’s line up for 2017 is truly staggering. It will most surely remind the veterans of those renowned line ups from almost a decade ago. Such as 2009‘s line up: MONO, Baroness, Neurosis, Om, Earth, Wolves In The Throne Room, Six Organs Of Admittance, Saint Vitus, Zu…
Next edition’s curator is no other than John Dyer Baizley (Baroness’ frontman and artist), who will pick the bands playing on Friday April 21st. Of course Baroness will be playing at Roadburn 2017, but the list of confirmed bands and artists is already mouthwatering: Coven (yeah, Coven themselves), Wolves In The Throne Room (just when we were starting to assume we wouldn’t have the chance of seeing them in Europe ever again), Ulver (who will be presenting their next work to be released next year: “The Assassination of Julius Caesar”), Ahab, Ash Borer, Crippled Black Phoenix, Chelsea Wolfe, Deafheaven, Trans AM, Integrity, Bongzilla, Emma Ruth Rundle, Inter Arma, Subrosa, Sumac (thank you, Walter), Slomatics, Ulver, Zu… and it goes on. As if that wasn’t enough there are still a bunch of bands to be confirmed.
Without a shadow of a doubt we anticipate an edition that will be praised and remembered. Be one of the undecideds no more (if this is your case) and let this unbeatable line up enlighten you. There is no toss up.
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Check out the complete line up and stay tuned at: WWW.ROADBURN.COM

20-23 de abril. 013 Venue, Tilburg. Países Bajos.
Si sueles asistir a festivales, por estas fechas ya estarás pensando a cual/es ir. Independientemente de si eres un fiel Roadburner o no el cartel del festival holandés te dejará boquiabierto. A los más veteranos les recordará a aquellos carteles de antaño, como el del glorioso 2009: MONO, Baroness, Neurosis, Om, Earth, Wolves In The Throne Room, Six Organs Of Admittance, Saint Vitus, Zu…
El curator de la próxima edición no es nada menos que John Dyer Baizley (frontman de Baroness y artista gráfico), quien escogerá las bandas que tocarán el viernes 21 de abril. Por descontado que Baroness tocará en Roadburn 2017, pero la lista de bandas y artistas que hay por ahora confirmados ya nos deja babeando: Coven (sí: los mismos), Wolves In The Throne Room (justo cuando empezábamos a asumir que no los veríamos más en Europa), Ulver (presentando su próximo trabajo: “The Assassination of Julius Caesar”), Ahab, Ash Borer, Crippled Black Phoenix, Chelsea Wolfe, Deafheaven, Emma Ruth Rundle, Trans AM, Bongzilla, Integrity, Inter Arma, Subrosa, Sumac (gracias, Walter), Slomatics, Ulver, Zu… y más. Y por si no fuera suficiente aún quedan bandas por anunciar.
Sin atisbo de duda estamos ante una edición que será aclamada y recordada. No hay excusas para seguir siendo uno de los indecisos (si es este tu caso) y deja que este cartel te ilumine. No cabe dilema alguno.