Emphasis estrenan el tema “Muna + Iam” como adelanto de su disco “Black.Mother.Earth”, que saldrá publicado el próximo 28 de Abril a través del sello Geenger Records. El tema viene acompañado de un video que se adapta perfectamente al estilo post metalero de esta formación croata. Rodado en blanco y negro y en escenarios naturales, el video acentúa las virtudes de la canción, cuyo comienzo mas melódico acompañado de voces femeninas da pie a una tormenta de distorsión y riffs como a las que nos tienen acostumbradas bandas como Caspian, Russian Circles o This Will Destroy You. A continuación os dejamos el enlace de este video, que estrenamos en primicia, y esperamos que lo disfrutéis.
Directed by Dino Topolnjak and based on the screenplay by Kristina Štebih, the two-track video takes place in a dark and gloomy forest somewhere in the region of Međimurje, conjuring the mystical atmosphere of the band’s latest album titled Black.Mother.Earth. Following the solemn intro, the beautiful female vocals from “Muna” add tension to the unknown forest path taken by a young woman, played by the actress Ena Jagec. The dreamy melody interspersed with arpeggio guitars is suddenly broken when the next track, “Iam”, starts. The latter features desperate and haunting vocals that lead the plot to its peak, i.e. the seductive experimental dance by Vilim Poljanec. The two sides – Innocence and Violence – eventually merge, completely taking each other’s personalities.